涵虚 Back-end Dev Engineer



Automate the Django Task Queue with Celery and Redis


Task Queue: a robust, asynchronous job handler and message broker enabling you to run and consume back-end functions based on system events rather than human intervention. A Django and Celery powered application can quickly respond to user requests while the task automation manager handles longer running requests through the use of a task queuing system.

Celery uses a message broker to pass messages between your application and the Celery worker process. In this tutorial, I am going to use Redis as the message broker and Celery as the task manager. As Redis is a persistent, in-memory data structure server, it should not be used to manage application state; as the state may not be maintained during a reboot or other system type event requiring the server to be re-started.


I am using a clean AWS instance running Ubuntu 14.04 in a free T2-micro tier for this demonstration. The first step is to add Celery to our Django application inside our virtualenv. Our project directory is located at /var/www/ and the Django project is called django_dev.


At our Ubuntu terminal, update the package manager.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server

Then check the Redis version to ensure the server is listening.

$ redis-server --version
Redis server v=2.8.4 sha=0000000:0...  

Is Redis up?

$ redis-cli

Next, activate the virtual environment and install Celery.

/var/www/django_dev~$ source .env/bin/activate
(.env)/var/www/django_dev~$ pip install celery[redis]
Successfully installed pytz celery billiard kombu redis anyjson amqp  
Cleaning up...  


We have to add several Celery specific settings to our Django applications settings.py. I prefer to keep my settings outside of the named inner project directory.

# Celery
BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'  

Next, create celery.py and save it in your config.settings directory. This will start Celery and create a Celery application.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os  
from celery import Celery  
from config.settings import common as settings

# set Django settings module for celery program.
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'config.settings')

app = Celery('hello_django')

# Using a string here means the worker will not have to
# pickle the object when using Windows.
app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS) 

To ensure that the Celery application starts everytime the Django app is started, we have to add an __init.py__ to our project folder.

from __future__ import absolute_import  
from .celery import app as celery_app


Add a new app to our Django project and ass some tasks. First, create the application.

(.env)/var/www/django_dev~$ django-admin startapp taskapp

Add the new app to our config settings common.py file.


Now, in our taskapp app folder, add a new file tasks.py and add the following code to create the first Celery task.

from __future__ import absolute_import  
from celery import shared_task

def tasktest(param):  
    return 'The task executed with argument "%s" ' % param

If you have followed this project setup, your projct directory will look like this…

|  | -- settings
|       | -- common.py
|       | -- local.py
|       | -- production.py
|       | -- dev.py
|  | -- wsgi.py
|  | -- celery.py
|  | -- urls.py
| -- manage.py
| -- taskapp
|    | -- __init__.py
|    | -- models.py
|    | -- tests.py
|    | -- views.py
|    | -- urls.py
|    | -- tasks.py


In a real production environment, you would want your Celery task queue daemonized, however, for our demonstration, we will just call it from the command line and inspect the output.

$ export PYTHONPATH=/var/www/django_dev/config.settings:$PYTHONPATH
$ /var/www/django_dev/bin/celery --app=config.settings.celery:app worker --loglevel=INFO
-------------------------- celery@django v3.1.20


-- * - ********** [config]
-- * - **********.> app:         taskapp
-- * - **********.> transport:   redis://localhost:6379/0
-- * - **********.> results:     disabled
-- * - **********.> concurrency: 2 (prefork)
---- ************ [queues]
-----------------.> celery     exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

. taskapp.tasks.test

[2016-03-01 08:45:30, 849: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to redis://localhost:6379/0
[2016-03-01 08:45:30, 852: INFO/MainProcess] mingle:  searching forneighbors
[2016-03-01 08:45:31, 236: INFO/MainProcess] mingle:  all alone
[2016-03-01 08:45:31, 428: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@django ready

As long as the configuration settings are all OK, you will be greeted by a welcome screen like above. The [tasks] section will list all tasks discovered in all apps within your Django project directory.

Queuing Up Tasks for Execution

In a separate terminal instance, start your project’s virtual environment and launch a new task.

/var/www/django_dev~$ source .env/bin/activate
(.env)/var/www/django_dev~$ cd taskapp
(.env)/var/www/django_dev/taskapp~$ python manage.py shell
Python 2.7.6 (default June 22 2015 17:58:13)  
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" formore information  
>>> from taskapp.tasks import tasktest
>>> tasktest.delay('This is only a test.')
<AsyncResult:  67a43cf9-0b3f-4792-e746-2f3aa35e5b17

Now if you look at the Celery task terminal, you will notice task workers have started:

[2016-03-01 10:30:24, 624: [INFO/MainProcess] Received task taskapp.tasks.tasktest[67a43cf9-0b3f-4792-e746-2f3aa35e5b17]
[2016-03-01 10:30:24, 673: [INFO/MainProcess] Task taskapp.tasks.tasktest[67a43cf9-0b3f-4792-e746-2f3aa35e5b17]

Celery Daemons & Supervisord

Most Django devs run Celery as a daemon using a nifty little tool called supervisord that allows workers to be restarted in the event of a system reboot. To install supervisor, enter this command the terminal prompt.

sudo apt-get install supervisor  

As soon as supervisor is installed, you can add programs to it’s configuration file so it knows to watch those processes for changes and update the terminal accordingly.

Supervisors config file is located at /etc/supervisor/conf.d. For our example, we will create a supervisor config file to watch our Celery processes.

[program:  taskapp-celery
command=/var/www/django_dev/bin/celery --app=taskapp.celery:app worker -- loglevel=INFO  

; need to wait for any tasks still running

; send SIGKILL to destroy all processes as a group

; if rabbitmq is supervised, set it to a higher priority

This is a simple sample config file provided by the Celery team.

Now, create a file to store the application’s log messages.

/var/www/django_dev:~$ mkdir logs
/var/www/django_dev:~$ touch logs/celery-worker.log

Send a command to supervisord to re-read the config file and update the process.

$ sudo supervisorctl reread
taskapp-celery:  available  
$ sudo supervisorctl update
taskapp-celery:  added process group  

Monitor the output of the Celery task process by examining the log file.

$ tail -f /var/www/django_dev/logs/celery-worker.log

For more information on configuring Celery and options for monitoring the task queue status, check out the Celery User Guide.

Wrap Up

Using Redis with Celery running in the application background is an easy way to automate many of the processes required to keep your application humming along with very little overhead. Use supervisord to monitor the task queue. In some of my recent projects, I use Celery tasks to make RESTful calls against a Django REST API, which in turn triggers both GET and POST methods to specified API endpoints to distribute data to multiple servers.

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